Email : ncapel@r-associes.ch
Shpresa Demiri et Franck Delley
Tel. : +41 21 345 36 40
Email : secr.perroud@r-associes.ch
Nina Capel
Year of qualification
2016 (Lausanne)
- French
- English
- German
- Spanish
Professional experience and other activities
- Teacher on the course in land planning law at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (School of Engineering and Management of the Canton of Vaud/University of Geneva; since 2021)
- Associate at the firm r&associés (since 2017)
- Associate at the firm HCML Avocats (2016)
- Trainee lawyer at the firm r&associés (2014-2016)
- Clerk at the Office of the Public Prosecutor of the District of Lausanne (2013-2014)
- Clerk at the District Court of Eastern Vaud (2011 to 2014)
- Case law and academic literature researcher for the fourth updated and completed edition of “Commentaire du contrat de travail” by Brunner / Bühler / Waeber/ Bruchez, for Union syndicale suisse (2011)
- Proofreader for Editions Helbing & Lichtenhahn (2010-2011)
- Legal assistant at the firm r&associés (2010-2011)
Qualifications obtained
- Master of laws, University of Lausanne, magna cum laude (2011)
- Year-long academic exchange with the University of Zurich
- Bachelor of laws, University of Lausanne (2009)
- Vaud Bar Association (OAV)
- Swiss Bar Association (SBA)
Publications and conferences
- J.-C. Perroud / N. Capel / N. Pétermann, L’égalité des personnes handicapées en matière de construction in : L’égalité des personnes handicapées : principes et concrétisation, Bellanger/Tanquerel (édit.), Zurich 2017