The firm was founded in 1989 and moved to Grand-Chêne, Lausanne in 1993. Around ten years later it changed its name to r&associés, Attorneys-at-law. Over the years, it has dealt with hundreds of cases and provided advice to thousands of people, often in highly complex cases. The firm has made its mark and established itself as a point of reference. Today it is made up of eleven partners along with their respective teams comprised of associates, trainee lawyers and secretaries.

Our motto? Hard work, rigour and humanity. Our clients’ interests are the core driving force behind our business and command our full attention.
Our commitment? Offering the security and quality that clients expect, and endeavouring to earn our clients’ loyalty at all times. Working within a dynamic firm that has managed to maintain a generalist vocation, our lawyers provide insightful legal advice that is tailored to the needs of our clients.
Our values? Independence and a commitment to ethical standards, including especially the rules of good professional practice.